Do whatever Diplomacy you can, try to get trade agreements, and try to get the AI to pay you for trade agreements or non-aggression pacts. Have the lord recruit 2 Knights Errant and 2 Men-at-Arms (this will make the Peasant Cap 8/8). Recruit a “Lord” lord, hopefully with the +10 Melee Attack or Melee Defense trait, but also Penitent for the +5 Ward Save is good too. Now choose “The Southern Guard” tech (+3 chivalry when, which you will want in preparation for your fight against the Tomb Kings, and it will choose the tech leading to it and start researching. Have Repanse choose the “Route Marcher” blue line skill, then March Stance back toward Copher. If you get a +10% research rate follower drop after the battle, add that follower to Henri le Massif. Choose the +4 leadership option kill captives, then attack the fleeing army again, finally kill them for good. Attack the Vampire Counts army to your east and Auto-Resolve that battle (apparently auto-resolve does better than you likely will per ItalianSpartacus). Move Repanse up just above Henri, THEN have Henri join Repanse, so he does not subtract from her movement. Have Henri le Massif choose Pledge to Chivalry (Rank up 5 times). Have Repanse choose Pledge to Valor for her Grail Vow (kill 5 enemy lords). This is a unique mechanic for Repanse’s campaign.ĭo not turn on research yet. Move your armies into a settlement in order to carry up to 5 turns worth of water with them. Key Info: Starting Turn 2, you need you armies to carry water or they suffer Desert Attrition. Other option might be Grail Guardians and/or Grail Knights, which should also be a powerful doomstack. Repanse plus Henri le Massif (on his Hippogryph) + 1-2 Life Damsels with the rest being Royal Hippogrphy Knights should make any battle ridiculously easy.

If you choose Vampire Coast, the marker will spawn in the ocean north of Aranessa Saltspite’s island.Įither way, I always recommend for fighting a Bretonnian faction’s Errantry battle that you bring an army composed mainly of Royal Hippogryph Knights.If you choose Tomb Kings, the marker will spawn just below the Black Pyramid of Nagash.You get 2 choices for your Errantry Battle – Vanquish the Tomb Kings, or, Strike at the Vampire Coast. NOTE that as soon as you hit 2000 Chivalry, the Errantry Battle choice will pop at the beginning of the next turn, so save beforehand if you want to fight both battles. To win Repanse’s campaign, you must reach 2000 Chivalry, choose an Errantry Battle to fight, then fight that Errantry Battle and win. Guide to Beat Repanse de Lyonesse Campaign Victory Condition Guide to Beat Repanse de Lyonesse Campaign.